Troubleshoot Debian Installation.

You might find some questions during your installation, especially if you are unfamiliar with a Debian installation.

Here are some tips and recommendations concerning a Debian installation. If you use VitalPBX’s ISO image, these options won’t appear, and default values will be chosen.

But, if you make a custom Debian installation or an ARM installation, you might find some additional configuration options during installation.

1. Hostname and Domain Name

In these fields, you can enter any information. For the hostname, if you use an FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name), use it here—for example, In the Domain Name option, you can enter your domain name. Like,

2. Scanning extra installation media

You may be prompted to “Scan extra installation media” when configuring the package manager. This option can be ignored, and respond “no.”

3. The “wget” command is not available.

You might get an error when trying to download the installation script. The error is saying that the “wget” command does not exist. You can download and install the “wget” command with the following.

4. Software Selection.

By the end of the Debian installation, you will be asked which software you wish to include. We recommend you leave the list with everything unselected, as you will install all dependencies with the VitalPBX installation script.

These are the main differences between a custom Debian installation and installing from the VitalPBX ISO image.

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Updated on December 20, 2023