How can I see the bandwidth consumption of my server in real time? 

To monitor bandwidth usage in real-time on a VitalPBX 4 server, there are several tools you can use. Below are some of the most popular: 

1. iftop: iftop displays real-time bandwidth usage on a network interface. It’s similar to top, but instead of displaying CPU usage, it shows network activity. 



2. nload: nload displays real-time graphs of incoming and outgoing traffic. 



3. vnStat: vnStat doesn’t exactly show in real-time, but it logs bandwidth usage over time and can show statistics by hours, days, and months. 


Configuration and Usage: 

To initialize vnStat’s database on an interface (e.g., `eth0`): 

To view the statistics: 

4. bmon: bmon is another tool that displays real-time network traffic, offering various views and details about network activity. 



5. NetHogs: NetHogs displays traffic per process, which can be useful to pinpoint which application or process is consuming bandwidth. 



These tools will give you a detailed view of how and where bandwidth is being used on your server. You can choose the one that best fits your needs. 

What are your feelings
Updated on December 4, 2023