How do I permanently move the recordings to a new Disk? 

All the steps will be made in the Linux console with root privileges. The aim is to move the monitor folder to a different location, in this case in an additional disk mounted on the server. 

  1. Stop Asterisk. This step is essential because stopping Asterisk will stop the creation of new recordings. 
  1. Copy the data from the old to the new location. 
rsync -av /var/spool/asterisk/monitor /newdisk_path 
  1. Rename the old data directory. 
  1. Create a symlink so /var/spool/asterisk/monitor points to /newdisk_path.  
  1. Start Asterisk. 
  1. If everything works smoothly, you can delete the backup folder. 
rm /var/spool/asterisk/monitor.old 
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Updated on December 4, 2023