Installing VitalPBX on ARM-based systems

With VitalPBX being based on Debian with version 4, you can now install VitalPBX in an ARM-based environment.

There is no ISO image based on ARM for VitalPBX, so you must start with a minimal Debian 64-bit installation. You can download the ARM64 ISO Network Install image from Debian’s website at

This also means a Raspberry Pi system can be your VitalPBX server. For this, you’ll flash a microSD card with a Debian or Raspberry Pi OS image.

In this lesson, I am installing VitalPBX on an M1-Max MacBook Pro. You can choose any virtualizer like Parallels or UTM. The process is mostly the same.

The installation process is a regular Debian Installation. Refer to our Virtual Machine installation lesson and check the troubleshooting tips we will share later.

Once the system reboots with ARM Debian installed, log in as root and run the following commands.

root@debian:~# wget

Then give it execution permissions.

root@debian:~# chmod +x

Finally, we execute the script.

root@debian:~# ./

You will then be prompted to continue with the installation, so enter “yes” in the prompt and press enter.

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Updated on December 16, 2023