Can I get free support?

Our forum is a great resource for finding solutions to common problems, and you can connect with other users who may have experienced similar issues.

You can also ask questions and get help from our knowledgeable support team.

Plus, it’s completely free to use!

Simply click on this link to visit our forum and start resolving your issue quickly.

Our Wiki and Documentation site is available 24/7, so you can find the information you need whenever you need it.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to find answers to your questions, visit our Wiki and Documentation site at

We have a variety of tutorials and how-to videos that can help you troubleshoot common issues and get the most out of your VitalPBX experience.

Just head to start watching

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From troubleshooting tips to step-by-step guides, our FAQ page is designed to provide you with the answers you need, when you need them.

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For customers with recurring plans, visit our helpdesk:

Our Help Desk system is designed to make it easy for you to report issues, request assistance, and track the status of your support requests.

Once you’ve opened a ticket, our support team will be notified and will work to resolve your issue as quickly as possible.

We’re always here to help you!”

What are your feelings
Updated on December 4, 2023