Changing One of the Servers in DRBD High Availability

There could be occasions where you need to change one of the servers. This can be due to one of them getting damaged or hardware modification.

Let’s look into changing the Secondary Server. First, we will proceed to destroy the cluster on the Primary Server.

Next, if we still have access to the Secondary Server, we destroy the cluster as well on the Secondary Server.

Since when destroying the cluster the DRBD volume is unmounted, in the Primary Server we must mount it again manually to avoid interrupting the normal operation of our services. Run the following commands on the Primary Server.

Now, enable the services on the Primary Server to make sure our server continues to work as normal.

At this moment, the Primary Server is now working as normal. We must now configure the replica with our new server.

First, prepare the new server following the steps for the installation in Section 13, Lesson 1, with the disk partition and the free space. Then enable remote access with the root user.
Change the IP address to a static IP address. Install the dependencies. Change the hostname in the Web UI and CLI using the same hostname as the old Secondary Server. Create the sda3 partition using the fdisk command. And finally, configure the firewall with the ports established in the table from lesson 1. These are the steps for the manual HA setup presented in lesson 1.
This should only be configured in the new Secondary Server.

Now, we will proceed to format the new partition on the new Secondary Server using the following commands.

Load the DRBD module and enable the service on the new Secondary Server using the following commands.

Next, we must create new configuration files called drbd0.res in the /etc/drbd.d directory on the new Secondary Server for the new resource named drbd0.

Add the following content.

Note: Although the access interfaces can be used, which in this case is ETH0. It is recommended to use an interface (ETH1) for synchronization, this interface must be directly connected between both servers.

Initialize the metadata storage on each server by executing the following command on the new Secondary Server.

Run the following command on the new Secondary Server to start the drbd0.

You can check the current status of the synchronization using the cat /proc/drbd command.

Once the synchronization is done, you can follow the steps from Section 13, Lesson 1 for configuring the cluster starting with the hacluster user and password up to the creation of the fail2ban service. Then, follow the steps for creating the bascul command and the creation of the role command. All of this is for the new Secondary Server.

After this, you will now have replaced the old Secondary Server with a new one!

Now, let’s look into changing the Primary Server. This method differs from changing the Secondary Server.

First, we proceed to destroy the cluster in the Primary Server if we still can. Run the following commands in the Primary Server.

Next, we do the same in the Secondary Server with the following commands.

Since by destroying the cluster the DRBD unit is unmounted, in the Secondary Server, we must mount it again manually to avoid interrupting the normal operation of our services. Run the following commands in the Secondary Server.

Now, enable the services on the Secondary Server to make sure that our server continues to work as normal.

With this, our Secondary Server is now working as normal. We now proceed to configure the replica with our new server.

First, prepare the new server following the steps for the installation in Section 13, Lesson 1, with the disk partition and the free space. Then enable remote access with the root user. Change the IP address to a static IP address. Install the dependencies. Change the hostname in the Web UI and CLI using the same hostname as the old Primary Server. Create the sda3 partition using the fdisk command. And finally, configure the firewall with the ports established in the table from lesson 1. These are the steps for the manual HA setup presented in lesson 1. This should only be configured in the new Primary Server.

Now, proceed to format the new partition on the new Primary Server using these commands.

Then, load the module on the new Primary Server and enable the service with the following commands.

Next, back up the original global_common.conf file, and create a new one using nano on the Primary Server. Use the following commands on the new Primary Server.

Add the following content.

Next, we must create new configuration files called drbd0.res in the /etc/drbd.d directory on the new Primary Server for the new resource named drbd0.

Add the following content.

Note: Although the access interfaces can be used, which in this case is ETH0. It is recommended to use an interface (ETH1) for synchronization, this interface must be directly connected between both servers.

Initialize the metadata storage on each server by executing the following command on the new Primary Server.

On the new Primary Server, run the following command to start the drbd0.

You can check the current status of the synchronization while it’s being performed. The cat /proc/drbd command displays the creation and synchronization progress of the resource.

Once the synchronization is done, you can follow the steps from Section 13, Lesson 1 for configuring the cluster starting with the hacluster user and password up to the creation of the fail2ban service. Then, follow the steps for creating the bascul command and the creation of the role command. All of this is for the new Primary Server.

After this, you will now have replaced the old Primary Server with a new one!

With this, you now have the necessary tools to run VitalPBX in a high-availability environment. Allowing you to rest assured that you have two servers working together for minimal to no downtime.

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Updated on December 16, 2023