How is service level calculated in Sonata Stats?

The Service Level in a call center is a key metric that measures how efficiently a call center responds to customer calls. It is generally calculated using the following formula:


  • Number of Calls Answered Within Time Threshold: This is the number of calls that are answered or handled within a predefined time period. This period varies by organization, but it is commonly set at 20 or 30 seconds.
  • Total Number of Calls Received: This is the total number of calls that come into the call center.

The service level is expressed as a percentage. For example, a service level of 80% in 20 seconds means that 80% of all incoming calls were answered within the first 20 seconds.

It’s important for call centers to maintain a high service level, as it indicates a quick response to customer calls, which generally leads to higher customer satisfaction. However, it should also be balanced with other factors such as quality of service and operational efficiency.

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Updated on December 4, 2023