In users create and configure the following options.
- User, user creation and modification.
- Agent Profile, creation of causes of breaks for Users (Agents).
- Roles, creation of User permissions.
- System Permissions, creation of access to Agents, Campaigns and Queue. In order for a User not to be able to see other campaigns to which he/she is allowed to access.
In order to access the system, it is necessary to create users, there are two types of users:
- Admin, is for system administrators, it is not associated with any extension.
- Agent, is for Agents, it has to be associated to a device (Extension).

he data to consider when creating a user are as follows:
- Full Name, full name to identify the User.
- Username, short name to log in to the system.
- Agent Profile, type of pause profile if the user is an Agent.
- Extension, extension associated to the user. Necessary when dealing with an Agent.
- Enable Softphone, it is possible to have a WebRTC softphone integrated in the same Agent interface. When this option is enabled, it will appear. Please note that for this softphone to work you must have a VitXi license.
- Email, e-mail associated with the user.
- Role, by selecting “agent” this user becomes an Agent, any other role you choose is administrative.
- Password, password to login.
- Password Confirmation, confirmation of password to enter.
- Device, device to be associated with the Agent. It must be previously created in VitalPBX.